
Tungsten Carbide coating series for wire & Cable Industries

Sintered Tungsten Carbide on the Surface of Medium Extension Tower Wheel

  • The company has advanced spraying equipment at home and abroad: explosive spraying series, supersonic spraying series, powder flame spraying series, wire flame spraying series, bar flame spraying series, etc. Mainly used in the regeneration of mechanical fittings in various industries, through spraying to improve the workpiece surface wear resistance, corrosion resistance, erosion resistance, high temperature resistance, conductive insulation and so on.

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  • Customer message

Name: Sintered Tungsten Carbide on the Surface of Medium Extension Tower Wheel
Manufacturer: Dongguan tension Machinery Parts Co., Ltd.
If you need to know the specific parameters, please contact our company: 0769-85415700, our company can also be customized according to the drawing.







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